Sunday, July 20, 2008

Oh Towny Boys...

This weekend I was at my Friend Jo's cottage with her and her family. It was pretty fun, once you got past the fact that bugs like to bite you... I tried wakeboarding for the first time ever; and totally embarassed myself in the process... and when it rained we played a whole lotta scrabble. I am the self proclaimed scrabble champion! Even though I did loose 2 out of 3 games... Jo put down the word "edate" and swore that it was an actual word... What a lie, I looked it up when I got home, you know what it means?... NOTHING. Geeze, what a liar.

There were also 2 creepy old men in the cottage across the lake from us, and I swear they were spying on us. They kept yelling intellegible things at us when we were tanning, and i swear one of them had freaking binoculars... damn pedophiles.

We walked for an hour down to the small town nearby... and when I say small, I mean SMALL! The entire town had one traffic light, and the cool hangout was the celtic giftstore... WTF? how do people LIVE like that? we did however meet a nice towny boy. he was 17 and totally dweebie looking, but he showed us around & stuff so I gave him my number anyways... he seemed pleased with himself and has already called me... twice.

Me & Jo would also stay up every night & have these long philosophical talks about life & such... we even made up lists of 50 things to do before we die (I know it sounds morbid, but it's really not)

But I'm home now, back in Toronto where the air is not clean OR filled with mosquitoes, and my house is not on a lake, and the boys here don't ask for my number... I can't decide whether I'd rather be here or there.


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