Saturday, August 23, 2008


You know you have a problem when:

You constantly hear voices of your celebrity idols in your head... not just their music, oh no... that's too normal, but when you actually have conversations with them.


I don't know why, but yesterday I spent the whole day conversing with a fictional version of Kevin Jonas. Not out loud or anything, but in my mind, we were having a nice little chat. He made comments about the random things that I did & we seemed to hit it off... He said my brother seemed like a cool guy, and he said that my room is wicked sweet.


It's not even like I'm one of those obsessed fan-girls who thinks that I'm destined to marry a Jonas Brother. I just really like their music & what they stand for & crap like that...

Yeah... I need to see a therapist, PRONTO.

I'm going to my friend's sweet 16 party today, I wonder if Kevin will make an appearance in my mind today? Maybe make comments about the cake? or maybe it'll be Joe this time...

Dazed & confused,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read your stories, at the, and I just have to say that I love your writing. And then I thought that I would check out your blog, and I when I read this post, I just have to say that you are not crazy i do that alot too:Pand I'm not an obsessed fan either. It's kind of hard to be tha since I live in Sweden, but anyways just wanted to say that you are not crazy:P and I'm glad I'm not alone with the whole talking in my head stuff:P

/ Moa