Tuesday, August 19, 2008

.... so I wrote a song

True Inspiration
Melodies, constantly darting through your veins
As music leeches into your opened soul
Honesty is the one catalyst that remains
And to spread that message is your goal

You are my true inspiration
My one allocation
In a world where lies are the cornerstone
Modesty is your name
The Media is your game
Diving head first into the oblique unknown

Your days don’t end when the sun disappears
Rest is a rarity few and far between
Just a further quality to be revered
Another facet that was left unseen

You are my true inspiration
My one allocation
In a world where lies are the cornerstone
Modesty is your name
The Media is your game
Diving head first into the oblique unknown

Don’t ever put down that guitar
It’s a piece of who you are

Your beauty never ceases to astound me
The perfect style, that perfect smile
Your name shines brightly on that marquee
You just know it’s going to be worthwhile

Don’t ever put down that guitar
It’s a piece of who you are

You are my true inspiration
My one allocation
In a world where lies are the cornerstone
Modesty is your name
The Media is your game
Diving head first into the oblique unknown

You are my true inspiration.

Think of it what you may, feedback is lovely. High five and I am outtie (for realz this thime)


Anonymous said...

Exceptional lyrics & I Love the chorus!

What was the inspiration for this one?

Lauren said...

I'd rather not divulge said information... too pathetic, even for me.