Sunday, August 24, 2008


So I went to Canada's Wonderland YET AGAIN today... I went with my good friend Cheryl. We had some majorly good times. My amazing uncle gave me $50 to spend on whatever, so we played Wack-a-mole for almost a good hour... Good news, we won a Giant green unicorn & a slightly more pathetic green unicorn!... Bad news... Cheryl got to keep the giant one, and I kept the pathetic one. I named him Bruno... He just looked like a burno to me.

Hmm, so registration for school is tomorrow, Signifying the start of grade 11, and the impending doom of my future... All in all my summer was really fun! I went to a few cool places, chilled with some cool people, did some awesome things. It may not have been the whole cliché best summer ever (... or is it clichè? I dunno which way the accent goes, I only got a 74% in grade 10 french) but it was definitely worth remembering. I'll never forget waiting like a hobo for 12 hours in downtown Toronto to see the Jonas Brothers, and seeing the New York skyline for the very first time. I'll never forget meeting Bret Ryan (did I tell you about that?) or spending hours beside my pool, urgently trying to tan away the paleness of my olive skin... oh and the first time Baby-Bella said my name.

This summer was full of millions of jokes that I will probably never remember, with people I know I won't ever forget. So now I guess I'm refreshed, the old Lauren wiped away... in her place is a new girl with new experiences & a new lease on life (CORNY) haha but seriously... I'm ready for whatever this year has to throw at me.

My life drastically changed, with 3 sudden additions to my intricately woven family, and a few heartwrenching losses scattered inbetween. Home has been torn upside down, and I'm not so sheltered to the world outside my house's four walls any more... But I know that none of it will phase me. I'm living this life for me now... thriving in these horrid conditions & choosing to rise above as the dust still chooses not to settle.

So now I have but only two words for you, destiny... BRING IT.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved the last line... so powerful.

Good luck at school.